
Why am I not in the rankings in the bullet?

I don't entirely agree. Selecting opponents that you know are significantly weaker than you, and only playing them, is just as bad as in being in a closed pool where a "master" only plays his "victims".

Playing as #39 does, is fine, because he plays anyone who responds to his seeks within his +-1000 rating, and that includes people around his level and stronger.

Then it seems we're all agreed. Everyone seems to agree that the fact the OP has a rating but not a ranking because his rating is far too volatile is fine.
No, I am disagree. In my opinion Singer_Martha is a great player and he must be in top 10 list. His games always lovely to watch, because he plays also 960 chess, KOTH and 3-check! I just do not understand why you say that he is "welcome to leave the site". Those players like him, Chessbrahs, or hiimgosu are the backbone of bullet chess here.
Nobody is saying he's not a good player. Thrashing 2000 rated player is no small feat. But can you see the problem here? For a rating to be meaningful there are requirements to be fulfilled; not like these 3500 performance ratings you see when a player wins 2 games in a row in high rating tournaments.

It's not really that much people are asking here. Play against your "almost equal" 2500 players a few times. I'm sure the site benefits from these games too
Well, I am sure you are just do not look carefully to his games history. He played Hiimgosu - Canadian genius of bullet chess (in my opinion) - loose a match but score was very close. He played a match vs Kingscrusher too, (strong CM, that have popular youtube channel) and won a match.

And this is not easy to do what you ask - here are not so many 2500 players. That's why titled palyers still prefer ICC more than Lichess.
OK. I believe you. But can you point out when he played last time with a player within 500 rating points of his own rating? Because that seems to be the issue here for the rating system, from what I understand
The account of Singer_Marta is closed and I do not know if there is a way to access his game history.
But you can look at Aroma_778, who is the same guy. As far as I remember he opened Aroma_778 briefly after the "Singer_Marta affair".

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