
Timeout rules

white made the last move; so black timed out. As white cannot win (king+knight) then it counts as a draw. I think that's correct.
If you have insufficient mating material but the opponent runs out of time it is a draw.
White: Kg3 Nf2
Black: Kh1 Ng1
There is a checkmate here.
Actually, this is a bit tricky, but if a checkmate position can be reached (even if it means suicidal play from one of the players), there is no draw.
Black did flag. So black cannot win. White has insufficient material. It's a draw.

Where am I wrong?
"Cependant, la partie est nulle, si la position est telle que l’adversaire ne peut mater le roi du joueur par aucune suite de coups légaux"
There is a draw only if a checkmate can't be reached. In the game, White has only a knight, but they still can give checkmate with the material on the board. So they win if Black times out.
Ah, hmm, well that's tricky. Actually I assume King+Knight can't checkmate, but as you demonstrated, it's wrong. Now how am I supposed to detect wether or not a checkmate is possible given a position?
I don't know...
It would be simplier to let the things as they are.
If you want to correct it, as long as the two players have material, timeout mean loss except on the following finals:
-Knight against Queen(s)
-Bishop against Queens or Rooks
There are endgame tablebases and maybe you can scan that to determine solutions. They have solutions for checkmate or not for each "simple" endgame.

But I myself wouldnt do it probably, too much work, might waste more CPU.

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