
Stockfish over >3000 ELO rating!

What browser are you using? I use chrome, and even without any cookies (private mode) all the links I pasted work. But ok.

Here's the game against Nagaskaki 5.1.

For example - one FIDE master (confirmed) rated 2316 std. won 1 game and lost 8 with 1 draw against it, so it should be pretty safe to say it plays around IM, and it is not disguised as a human player, and of course there are many other results to collaborate it. The interesting thing is that these "weaker" engines play way more aggressively because they are not so aware of the dangers that they risk, but for a human it is so more difficult to find holes in their tactics.
Btw stockfish 5 is still #1 in shorter time controls.

So, It would be really interesting to see someone beat it in a blitz or a bullet game. Or any time controls. :)

What I heard is quite the opposite. That humans have advantage in long time controls and in correspondence chess as they get time to think deep, make a deep long term plan and double check their moves for blunders.
quote: "I just said that because setting a high comtempt factor will make stockfish play a slightly inferior move to avoid a draw. This is a kind of 'risk' hoping its opponent to make a bad move later in the game which works most of the time against humans. "

You can see that in most games I posted the engine does its best to avoid draw. Most of the new top engines "hate" draws - and will play even most drawish positions till "50 move rule".
Just that it does not accept draw doesn't change all that much, also almost none of the engines I've played against would often settle for a draw by repetition or something like that, it is almost always after long piece shuffling in endgame that I finally get draw, but before that I had to survive the middle game, also admittedly draw is not nearly as worthy as win, but I can win any engine too, while even draw might give me a GM if not super GM rating if those engines were really rated 3000 FIDE which they are not, I believe if they were to really run in FIDE tournaments their rating would be constantly kept down by 2100 etc. FIDE rating players drawing against them far too often - perhaps to as low as 2600.
+ I have noticed that the newer engines also tend to avoid exchanges as much as possible (which of course delays the endgame), but they will exchange when you more or less force them - i.e. when they can see that it can give me real initiative if they avoid the exchange.
They will play till the 50 move rule because they don't offer draw to the opponent like a human does. But they definitely prefer a drawn position if they cannot squeeze an advantage. Setting a high contempt factor will make it avoid such positions and enter a position with slight disadvantage and with some imbalances. This is not favorable while playing against other engines but against humans, it is.
"I believe if they were to really run in FIDE tournaments their rating would be constantly kept down by 2100 etc. FIDE rating players drawing against them far too often - perhaps to as low as 2600. "

Stockfish is finely tuned to play against computers. But, imho even in its current form on an average PC, it can become the world champion and keep its title. Though its fide rating might be different from 3300 as each rating system shows the relative strength of a player w.r.t others who play against him.
This is quite speculative but, there are some theories that Borislav Ivanov cheated by using Houdini 2 in tournaments. If you look at these games, it is obvious in which games he probably used a chess engine. He ended up winning all of them. In one of them he blundered in time trouble as he didn't have enough time to consult houdini. After he was suspected of cheating, he stopped using houdini for 1-2 games and lost them badly. Despite all this, He managed to get a score of 6.5/9

A really interesting video that explains this well
You will find that he was destroying 2600-2670 grandmasters. Checkmating them in 30-35 moves. I guess this gives a small glimpse of what chess engines can do in tournaments. :P
quote: "They will play till the 50 move rule because they don't offer draw to the opponent like a human does"
Some engines offer draw (though not UCI I believe, only winboard), also they will usually repeat moves not play till 50 rule if they think that they have a slight disadvantage, unless that contempt factor you talked about.

quote: "Stockfish is finely tuned to play against computers. But, imho even in its current form on an average PC, it can become the world champion and keep its title"
I disagree. It would bite on a strong anti-computer player sooner or later. In fact I believe that if I would spend like 5 years training against Stockfish (or even some other similar chess program) even I could stop it (I am almost sure), there is just no reason for me to do that.

quote: "A really interesting video that explains this well"

I have seen these vids and I agree with them 100%, and I don't think it's speculative at all - I think it is as obvious as it gets, and the fact that he wasn't caught doesn't change anything, there are a gazillion of ways to implement such cheating system if you have abilities - it could be even a small portable radio device in teeth, operated by clicking with your teeth or any other way.
And as to the fact that he "destroyed" GMs - there are several good reasons:
1. Many of them probably didn't fully believe that he cheats until they got checkmated, and probably still played their usual game.
2. Again the same reason - good anti-human player doesn't equal good anti-computer player because the tactics and abilities needed to beat one differs from being able to beat the other. So they are anti-human GMs not anti-computer GMs.
3. The simple fact that houdini doesn't crash me like that (and I am nowhere near GM level against humans) on any time control - not even on 1+0 bullet, must mean something.
4. I viewed some of these games and as I said the GMs played their usual "tactical fest" so they got "thunder struck" quickly, that's not how you play against computer if you don't want to lose quickly.

quote "I with my probable FIDE rating of 2100" -mega
quote "Also my level is around 2100 FIDE judging from games against known rated players" -mega

check out his game history. he loses to a 1200, 1400, then 1300, then stockfish 2x. in your dreams mega, you clearly don't know a lot about chess and think you're much smarter than you actually are. your points are 80 - 99% opinion and most of what you've said is pure bs

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