
How do I become a lichess coach?

Right now there is hardly a chance for me to get even half a student.
But I was just wondering: (for future reference) how does one become a coach?
Is it a complicated process? Is it confidential in a way? I would really like to know.
So if you do know how, please tell me! I would really appreciate it. 😁
Requiring a title for an individual to become a lichess coach seems not only to be an antiquated way of thinking but also a non sequitur.
It basically reasons that just because someone hasn't received a title for his/her accomplishments he is somehow a lesser player not worthy of coaching students.
Evidence to the contrary is prevalent throughout the chess world especially in the U.S. where they hand out NM titles like cotton candy in an already inflated elo system.
@TryHardinq I agree, in the US players are more likely to get titles than the rest of the world, because nm titles only exist in the USCF. Lichess probably put this requirement because anyone would try and become a coach, and then people don't know who is legit or who is just trying something new out.
The U.S. is a decent example but if you are looking for the most worthless titled players, South Africa is the country of choice... They are permitted to give titles for national U10-12 etc. Tournaments which is the reason why you sometimes see 1600 rated FIDE Masters from SA, this is not only laughable but also simply disgusting. It diminishes every other Master's achievement and reinforces FIDE's title for profit mentality completely.
Regarding ELO inflation it is often mentioned that there is an inflation, I've been playing chess since 1968 and I'd like to see some proof to back up this statement. Are you able to do it or is it just a lie being told so many times that it has turned into a "fact"?

Regards Erik Skov
NM titles in quite many countries. USCF rating is about 100 pts easir than in many countries taking accout difference between fide and uscf rating. But it is still hard.

Anyway if lichess want to limit appliacations and have some quality control a title is good as any other method. At least it has been earned in OTB. And list of coaches is already long. Adding there loads of people to jam the list is not perhaps best idea. Besides anyone can offer coaching being on lichess list on requirements. I checked quickly offering in and found one non-titled trainer over there. So I guess business is mostly on titled ones. except running chess clubs for kids. I think there you dont need to be that strong
@ErikSkov there very little evidence on inflation. Also people mistake differences between pools as inflation. USCF ratings tend to 100 points bigger than person FIDE which is not inflation. They are just different pools.

On FIDE ratings points over there do have validity and perhaps there is some inflation. probable reason was the 2000 as lowest Elo available causing people around 2000 elo to jump in/out of the list. meaning the fed points to system when dropping off without taking point when coming back in.

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