
Publicly known player wins Titled Arena for the first time in a month as 22,000 battle in the Marathon

Wow Awesome players in lichess.
I played the first marathon, I do not have the stamina now.
I like the time control 3+0
Another classic case of lichess tournament performance being absolute rubbish benefactorr who finished 6th gained 52 rating points during the tournament while having a performance also 80 points lower than his rating.

If you know anything about glicko2 rating then you'll know that a player who plays an average opponent of 2449 should win 91% of their games if they are rated 2830 yet he won 93%. yet somehow the performance rating was in the 2700s that would be like an 80% win rate.

Just a little FYI Andrew Tang lost out on winning his first titled arena because this the tournament performance is calculated wrong on this site and sazed,pretenious, and thiabult have all said it doesn't matter.
@Lidraughtsorg Lichess also takes into account the speed with which you win a game

If you are high rated and it takes you a lot of time to win against a low rated player, your performance drops significantly

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