
A power surge fried my RTC

Astonishing twist to your account!

I've heard of the Y2K bug (was an ICT-er at that time and spent the night 31 December 1999 to 1 January 2000 at our workplace ready to fight fires). I've heard of problems with switching between summer and winter time too. But a clock not knowing about February 29 in leap years?? That's one very stupid piece of programming that someone is responsible for there!
@Brian-E said in #2:
> But a clock not knowing about February 29 in leap years?? That's one very stupid piece of programming that someone is responsible for there!

Indeed! I'm guessing it was introduced some time in the last four years.

I'm kind of scared to try to update my BIOS since I might brick my machine, but fortunately I won't have to deal with the bug again for another four years. ;-)