
Study features

8 members

Lichess study is the goodest and uniquest!!! (#english)
It‘s not only good for practicing tactics, which feature lichess has already improved,
but also openings, endgames and strategy can be shared, too. It‘s just like a free chess library!!!

HOWEVER, the studies might get improved, meaning that sometimes there might be sth. annoying about the studies:
(like you can only like your most favorite study only one time(joking), no colours for exclamation marks, study comments are weird when you force a sideline, mainly etc. ...)

Since we know posting on the feedback or suggestions forum will disappear very fast, I‘ve created this team to collect opinions and suggestions for a better lichess study only.

Every suggestion into the forums below please, so we can or or horsy an idea.
(Always Share ideas, even though your mom might told you never to share.)