
e4 Repertoire Black

2 • Nelluschristus •
  1. Old Indian Defense
  2. Sicilian Defense
  3. Smith-Morra Gambit
  4. French Defense
  1. Nelluschristus

The Venomous Vienna

8 • BradenManning •
  1. Introduction to the Vienna Game
  2. Falkbeer Variation, Vienna Gambit Accepted: 2.Nf6, 3.f4 4.exf4
  3. Falkbeer Variation, Vienna Gambit "Declined": 4.d5
  4. Max Lange Defense: 2.Nc6
  1. BradenManning

(B) Queen's Gambit Declined

1 • Politics2005 •
  1. Three Knights, 5. Bf4
  2. Three Knights, 5. Bg5, 7. Rc1
  3. Three Knights, 5. Bg5, 7. cxd5
  4. 3. Nc3, 4. cxd5
  1. Politics2005

Racing Kings Openings I

5 • Guitar09 •
  1. The Basic Kings Opening
  2. The Bishop's Opening
  3. The Knights Opening
  4. "The King Dance"
  2. Natso
  3. RoyalManiac
  4. Flamin-Hot-Cheetos

Racing Kings Openings II

3 • Guitar09 •
  1. King's Opening/Bishops Opening
  2. Kings Opening Knights Variation
  3. Bishops Opening Variation
  4. Practice I: King/Bishops Variation as White
  1. Hammer_Strike
  2. la_pioggia
  3. Jaraxis
  4. Ananddeepu

Ruy Lopez Opening

5 • bl4ckcatcher •
  1. Introduction
  2. 3...a6
  3. Exchange Variation
  4. Deferred Steinitz Defense
  1. bl4ckcatcher

Racing Kings Blunders and how to beat them

1 • Guitar09 •
  1. Blunder I: The King Dance
  2. Bad Rook Moves
  1. Guitar09

Beginner's Guide to Racing Kings

2 • MANDOMan13 •
  1. Intro
  2. King's Opening
  3. King's Opening: Variation
  4. Bishop's Opening
  1. fatherwar
  2. IxO_xXx
  3. Flamin-Hot-Cheetos
  4. blueberry_pancakes

The Głø Krüller Gambit

152 • The_Inverse_Tangent •
  1. What is the Głø Krüller?
  2. Głø Krüller Gambit Accepted: Füter attack, main line
  3. Głø Krüller Gambit Accepted: Füter attack ...6.h3
  4. Głø Krüller Gambit Accepted: Füter attack ...6.Bxh6
  1. The_Inverse_Tangent
  2. Crazy_Cotangent

Latvian Gambit

5 • Darkdragon0101 •
  1. Welcome
  2. Chapter 1: Bc4
  3. Chapter 2: exf5
  4. Chapter 3: Nxe5
  1. Darkdragon0101

king's indian Gawain jones

1 • ZjustinGD •
  1. Mar del plata 13.Nd3(1,p.126) F
  2. Mar del plata 13.Rc1(1,p.140) ing
  3. Mar del plata 13.a4(1,p.151) ing
  1. ZjustinGD

1.e4 e5 Repertoire for Black 2.0

426 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Ruy Lopez - Exchange with 5.O-O
  3. Ruy Lopez - Exchange 5th move sidelines
  4. Ruy Lopez - 5.d3
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

Dismantle the French

10 • BradenManning •
  1. Introduction
  2. Horwitz Attack: Papa-Ticulat Gambit Accepted: 4.Nf6
  3. Horwitz Attack: Papa-Ticulat Gambit Accepted: 4.f5
  4. Horwitz Attack: Papa-Ticulat Gambit Declined: 3.Nf6
  1. BradenManning

Ultimate Guide - Danish Gambit

12 • lexamuray2022 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main Opening Ideas
  3. Goodbye my dear
  4. Poisoned Pawn
  1. lexamuray2022

Queen’s Gambit Declined: a repertoire for White.

2 • Henchess •
  1. The Queen’s Gambit Declined
  2. The Exchange Variation after 3... Nf6
  3. 4. ...Nxd5
  4. The Botvinnik plan
  1. Henchess

Beat the Italian with the Traxler Counterattack!

17 • BunnyMommyIsHappy •
  1. What is the Traxler?
  2. Nxf7, Kxf2
  3. Ke1??
  4. Ke2??
  1. BunnyMommyIsHappy