
King's Gambit

2261 • MaxxTeleportguy •
  1. Introduction
  2. Part 1: King's Gambit Main Ideas
  3. King's Gambit Accepted: Knight's Gambit 1
  4. King's Gambit Accepted: Knight's Gambit 2
  1. MaxxTeleportguy

1.e4 e5 Repertoire for Black

802 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Ruy Lopez - Exchange with 5.O-O
  3. Ruy Lopez - Exchange 5th move sidelines
  4. Ruy Lopez - 5.d3
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

King's Gambit | Full Repertoire

657 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. Section 1: King's Gambit Accepted
  3. KGA: Fischer Defense 3...d6
  4. KGA: MacLeod Defense 3...Nc6?!
  1. Bosburp

The King's Gambit

602 • grandmasterofkings •
  1. The King's Gambit Accepted
  1. grandmasterofkings
  2. BadBishop007

1.e4 e5 Repertoire for Black 2.0

426 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Ruy Lopez - Exchange with 5.O-O
  3. Ruy Lopez - Exchange 5th move sidelines
  4. Ruy Lopez - 5.d3
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

King's Gambit Opening Traps

332 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. Trap 1: win the queen or mate!
  3. Trap 2: beautiful knight sacrifice
  4. Trap 3: bye queen
  1. Bosburp
  2. WassimBerbar


208 • Meane •
  1. Introduction
  2. Albin Countergambit
  3. Benko Gambit
  4. Benoni Gambit
  1. Meane

🏰 King's Gambit 🏰

206 • ZentaroLok •
  1. Introduction
  2. King's Gambit Accepted
  3. King's Gambit Accepted: 3. ... g5
  4. King's Gambit Accepted: 3. Nc6
  1. seanloong
  2. ZentaroLok

100% winning in less than 5 moves Part 2

195 • Yonushke •
  1. Introduction
  2. Tennison Gambit Trap
  3. French Defense Trap
  4. Englund Gambit Trap 1
  1. Sachit_Raj
  2. Yonushke
  3. BentCrazyCinnamon
  4. ItsFunTime

Anti Gambits! (Defend against gambits)

184 • bkaifeng •
  1. 0.0 Introduction
  2. 0.1 Who is this for?
  3. 0.2 Disclaimer!
  4. 0.3 Gambit Dictionary
  1. bkaifeng

Kings gambit is a great opening

  1. Introduction
  2. Game:
  3. Kings gambit vs Ruy lopez
  4. Kings gambit vs Four knights
  2. Sandipayan_13

Gambit Repertoire for White

87 • Green_Frog96 •
  1. Introduction
  2. List
  3. Belgrade Gambit
  4. Blackmar-Diemer Gambit
  1. Green_Frog96

My Whole Repertoire

77 • SomeRandomChessFella •
  1. Introduction
  2. 1.0 White
  3. 1.1 French Advance
  4. 1.2 Sicilian Defense (2.a3)
  1. SomeRandomChessFella

King's Gambit (in depth)

69 • IbrahimBenouda •
  1. Introduction (Main Ideas and common mistakes)
  2. King's Gambit Accepted: Kieseretzky Gambit
  3. Paul Morphy - Adolf Anderssen
  4. Boris Spassky - Robert James Fischer
  1. IbrahimBenouda

The Immortal Game

66 • george_mcgeorge •
  1. The Immortal Game
  1. george_mcgeorge

King's Gambit

43 • Mporter22 •
  1. King's Gambit Declined
  2. King's Gambit Accepted: King's Knight Gambit
  3. King's Gambit f6
  1. Mporter22