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12 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - question on a special draw#1

Hello m8´s i played a game and thought i won becaus my opponents time expired. but it was just a draw can someone explain why plz thx in advance

Lichess Feedback - Cheating#19

@Clarkey thanks m8. i learned my lesson and it will never happen again. i will never game this roby guy ever :D

Lichess Feedback - Cheating#5

add on. i was trying to game this guy so i tried to change my first move beliving he was not satisfied and wanted to try a special combination. dont judge so reckless m8s

Lichess Feedback - Cheating#4

what busted. this is some guy who gives up after the first move. i just found it funny. it was getting a running gag or something it dosent matter obviously but its this robby guy is not me or anyone …

Lichess Feedback - Cheating#1

Why am i branded as a cheater? I never cheated at chess. Is it beacause i dont play every game with passion? Some games i play looking at a movie or calling a friend so its clear my gameplay is not eq…

Lichess Feedback - Riddles#1

Great idea. Just could be better if the number of done riddles would be shown on the gamers main paige and maybe the graph, showing the developement, would be added to the existing one.

Lichess Feedback - Draw or win#2 1for example his time was over. for me its only displayed "time run out". 2other example where i had no more time. it say "time run out white win" http://de.lichess.…

Lichess Feedback - Draw or win#1

I have a question. If I´m playing bullet chess i thought that the gamer lose whos time run out. I saw that a couple of times that i got the Points for a draw and not for a win. (example +9 instead of …

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General Chess Discussion - Shameless selfbump#1

For those who have to think a lot and 0+1 and 0+2 is to fast
