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Lichess Feedback - Lichess bug in 5 minutes pool#7

The same bug, in this case good for me. I was playing and my opponent loose. The result was two empty games and one real game, the trhee won by me.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess bug in 5 minutes pool#3

Yes, this is the strange behaviour. the games were never played, and appear incorrectly in my rating history.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess bug in 5 minutes pool#1

I have a strange behaviour in the rating of 5 min. pool: When i was waiting my adversary movement, playing with black pieces, the game was finished after 30 seconds, and give me the victory against Te…

Lichess Feedback - Draw by end of time#1

When your time was finished, and the other player has only the king, the ordinary result is a draw, even when the time is finished. In, there is a victory for the player who has any second…
