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10 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - To what extent does age affect your ability to become a chess master? #38

@KalabukhovDaniil Why do you guys say I am trolling? Like literally how were any of my questions a troll?

General Chess Discussion - To what extent does age affect your ability to become a chess master? #37

@hangrad I would say its way smaller than only 1/1000

General Chess Discussion - To what extent does age affect your ability to become a chess master? #33

@Sarg0n are you currently listed in a club in Germany? I also live in Germany, and play for SG Niederkassel (region Cologne/Bonn). Maybe we'll play each other some day ;)

General Chess Discussion - To what extent does age affect your ability to become a chess master? #29

@voronn09 Thank you very much for the support and comment, I also kind of thought to myself by next year 1700/1800 should really be a realistic goal if I will engage in the sport. Also solving tactics…

General Chess Discussion - To what extent does age affect your ability to become a chess master? #28

@Sarg0n I understand where you are coming from, but actually the way you put it, it just seems you yourself are not very gifted/talented in chess if it you put in so much work and can't go further. Ma…

General Chess Discussion - To what extent does age affect your ability to become a chess master? #23

@hangrad not sure what you mean by "begging". I can't beg him to proclaim me a master neither can I beg him to make me better at chess. I just wanted to hear straight from someone who has achieved som…

General Chess Discussion - To what extent does age affect your ability to become a chess master? #21

#9 @Sarg0n thank you for your reply, I see you in fact are a master of some sort, therefore I would like to ask you, do you mean I will just simply never become a GM, because this is something I defin…

General Chess Discussion - To what extent does age affect your ability to become a chess master? #20

Hey guys! So I just finished the game, and I even got the chance to look over it with him! I will post it tommorow! I even had a good chance to play an almost equal endgame position, but unfortunately…

General Chess Discussion - To what extent does age affect your ability to become a chess master? #3

Thank you for your reply, I am glad to hear that people in a simmilar situation are around here! I actually have a club tournament today in the evening under the terms of classical chess. This will be…

General Chess Discussion - To what extent does age affect your ability to become a chess master? #1

Hello everyone, I am a 20 year old male from Germany, and for the past year I was very engaged in chess. I knew the rules basically my whole life but never took it seriously until a couple of months a…
