
Search "user:pemo"

88 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Where is the FIDE Grand Prix 2019 in Hamburg?#1

Does someone know the venue of this event? I mean the exact location in Hamburg? I am planning to visit it, but can´t find the information yet... Thanks!

General Chess Discussion - Why can't I resign?#5

Is maybe the option/setting "Confirm resignation and draw offers" in the section "Game behavior" of your preferences what you are looking for?

Lichess Feedback - Issue with donation/Patron#3

Hi thibault, sure. I just sent it to Thanks!

Lichess Feedback - Issue with donation/Patron#1

I am/was a Patron since 2016 (I guess) donating (5$ per month) via Paypal. In April this year I forgot to update my credit card information at Paypal because it has expired. After having received a no…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess v2 is here#396

It somehow feels like a bug somewhere... ;-) Piece placement and size is weird when zooming Chrome (73.0.3683.103) to 90% - at least in the games of the player profiles: - th…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess v2 is here#253

Is there really someone, that puts into question, that Thibault and his team is doing their absolute best to provide the best online chess experience as they did in the past???? My suggestion to every…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess v2 is here#223

Thibault mentioned in one of his streams the last days, that he planned to release v2 on the 7th of May. Obviously he was ahead of this plan tonight and simply missed to adjust the date in his announc…

General Chess Discussion - 0 second removes violate common sense.#13

#9 No, it does not make the situation even worse because the players will have the chance to save the draw in drawn positions via threefold repetition or the 50 moves rule somewhen. Having the chance …

General Chess Discussion - 0 second removes violate common sense.#8

Maybe the following adds a bit to these various premove discussions, that I have never participated before... I understand your opinion, but I have a completely other one. Why? Besides loving lichess …

Lichess Feedback - '404 PAGE NOT FOUND' from players profile#1

Go to: Click the doctoral cap 'Lichess Coach' in the right upper corner to navigate to the players coaching profile results in '404 PAGE NOT FOUND'.
