
Search "user:Volker-Racho"

74 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is it against rules to cheat in puzzles#12

Lichess publish many rating lists,, but intentionally none for puzzles. Who wants to cheat there only cheats himself. And no-one shall be "encouraged" to cheat in puzzle dis…

General Chess Discussion - Is chess a memory game or an inteligence game#15

Chess is a brilliant game because there are different approaches to "solve" the problems you will face in any game. Intelligence is the most valuable human skill in any situtation in life. It is irrep…

General Chess Discussion - Indian Openings -- questions#6

I remember an explanation from one of the first chess books I read by german GM Helmut Pfleger: indian opnenings must have appeared totally strange when they came into fashion, violating common concep…

Off-Topic Discussion - Have you ever read any Greek literature?#10

I learned latin and greek at school, so read quite a bit of what was alaready meantioned here. Most boring was Xenophons Anabasis, and as I remember it now - more than 20 years later - Sokrates wasn't…

General Chess Discussion - dating on chess sites#19

Are you looking for a match or for a mate?

General Chess Discussion - LEGENDARY Lichess Profile#10

1. How long might this have taken? 2. How long might it have take to find his profile?

General Chess Discussion - How To Prevent Draws?#19

@Avaneeshprem said in #14: > I play the Queens Gambit, is that good.? QG as black? If you feel the resulting positions are too darwish and too hard to win, I would try King's Indian (Gawain Jones' boo…

General Chess Discussion - chess and alcohol#24

I remember a tournament where both winning a game and drinking a beer were worth one point. The strategy how to balance both chess and alcohol best was up to the participants. But only winning games w…

General Chess Discussion - How To Prevent Draws?#7

A common way to avoid deadly equal positions is to avoid symmetric pawn structures. Basically that explains the popularity of openings like the Sicilian or Wolga Gambit. But also IQP or minority attac…

General Chess Discussion - how can i use the London system when black goes e5#3

Those who want to avoid 1. - e5 start with 1. Nf3 and only 2. d4. I am not at all a London expert, but in my eyes this should always transpose.
