
Search "user:TheWiseChampion"

10 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Ask Lichess Anything: June 2, 2022#78

Hi Lichess team, just wondering what motivated you guys to start a free online chess platform?

General Chess Discussion - Never resign#9

it depends, but if you're playing an arena tournament i recommend you to resign if losing. anything else you can play on but know that your opponent might really punish you [as in on the chessboard]

Game analysis - Sicilia, Najdorf, Opocensky variation#6

It is a sharp attack but not exactly forcing so no need for the opponent to resign.

General Chess Discussion - why chess 64 square...#6

@ungewichtet said in #5: > Knight and bishop have about the same value on 64 squares.. maybe a reason why it stays at 64. It started at 64 because chaturanga (or earlier versions) were played on a pop…

General Chess Discussion - how many points are in the chess board if all peaces#4

@TheKingClash said in #2: > However piece activity matters a lot. There are no fixed point values for pieces. For example, a bishop with a nice clear view of the chess board is worth much more than a …

General Chess Discussion - OTB Tournaments#12

Just play on and have no emotions, generally at lower levels your emotions give your blunders away. So if you keep a straight face throughout the match opponent will need to work harder to find your b…

General Chess Discussion - Try to beat Stockfish in this position#4

There is 0% chance of you winning, even stockfish 8 cannot beat you as white, only draw is possible as white....

General Chess Discussion - Lowest centipawn victory in blunderless game#4

Bruh why did you castle towards the enemy fire? Of course you will lose..... no pawn structure in front protecting you, the enemy queen, rooks and bishop are gonna charge at your king out in the open,…

General Chess Discussion - Ultra fast yet Accurate???#6

ok, sometimes there is a situation of "forced move" like your king in double check or other circumstances, plus there is a feature of premove in lichess, so they can calculate your moves in advanced a…

Off-Topic Discussion - Fraud sponsors#4

so does it count as scam or is it not a crime coz technically there is no agreement signed.....?
