
Search "user:TLAR"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Low rated players that play very well.#5

I had the same thought about the overconfidence but after losing to enough low ratings, I don't think that's the issue. Maybe the opposite. I've learned that I should never underestimate.

General Chess Discussion - Low rated players that play very well.#1

I'm not the best player but I find it very frustrating when a low rated player destroys me. It seems to happen quite often when I play with ratings in the 900 - 1000 range, but when I play people in m…

General Chess Discussion - My opponent blundered the queen and leaves#15

I've never left a game without resigning, but for some reason my completion rate is less than 100% The only explanation I have for this is that sometimes I abort a game if my opponent doesn't make his…

Lichess Feedback - Error 429#1

It seems to be another Safari related problem. Google chrome works fine.

Lichess Feedback - "Learn from your mistakes" option#6

Well, I don't know if you fixed the bug or it fixed itself, but the "Learn from your mistakes" option is working with Safari now. Thanks much.

Lichess Feedback - "Learn from your mistakes" option#5

That did it. I do hope that lichess fixes the bug for Safari, though, since that is the browser that I normally use. Thanks for the help.

Lichess Feedback - "Learn from your mistakes" option#4

Yup, Safari. I'll give chrome a try and let you know. Thanks for the reply.

Lichess Feedback - "Learn from your mistakes" option#1

For the past couple of weeks, the learn from your mistakes option will not work for me. I click it and it shows the first mistake. When I try to find a better move, it goes to "Analyzing your move" bu…