
Search "user:Savage_Water"

729 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Happy valentines#17

@I_invented_google said in #16: > That’s what happened to me... Well you have my sincere apologies blud!

Off-Topic Discussion - Who was your valentines?#1

Although not many celebrate it where I am, I sent my friend a badly handwritten valentines card that said "Thank you for the food". They still haven't found out who sent it ^~^

Off-Topic Discussion - Whos your fav forum poster#7

Creativethinking and people from the team called Antarctica.

Off-Topic Discussion - Happy valentines#6

Happy people running around and possibly getting rejected and thinking they have depression day!!!

Off-Topic Discussion - is water wet or does water make things wet#14

Just because I make people wet, doesn't mean I'm wet.

Off-Topic Discussion - Post Something Scary#1

As a kid I always slept near a window, or maybe under it since I was quite young in my years. I always kept the curtains closed. Why? Because I sometimes have nightmares of a figure behind my curtains…

Off-Topic Discussion - Who is your favorite forum poster?#20

Respect to @CreativeThinking. Though gone they shall not be forgotten by me. Respect to Sohamroy3rdaccount for his leadership and his humor. Respect to MoonRising for lagging the lichess system with a…

Off-Topic Discussion - Something that hasn't changed#1

I still drool in my sleep.

Off-Topic Discussion - If you could input a new rule in lichess, what would it be?#1

Everyone must have an individual warcry on their favorite lichess moderator/developer, and scream it every time they post in a forum. "CHAMMM!!!"

Off-Topic Discussion - How many languages u know ?#4

I know that I know nothing, and that there is much more to learn to fill my pitiful and arrogant mind.
