
Search "user:Fogao"

10 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What's the highest rated player you have ever beat?#34

When I had 1556 point I beat a FM with 2505 in bullet ( a difference of 949 points). Like a top 50% besting a top 1%. But that was time.

Community Blog Discussions - A Treasure of British inventive Chess - IM Michael Basman#3

I met Michael Basman in the 1990s in the Florence Nightingale Museum in st thomas' hospital. He told me about his work teaching chess to kids. Great guy, Sadly missed

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Half-Year Update & New Feature Sneak Preview#69

@SuperGM2021 said in #17: > Can anyone send me the link of lichess tutor Not any time soon, the article says it is too early to announce a live date. I know when I saw the UI I thought it was like now

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles: Button "No tactics"#10

So, here is a second answer: Jerry from Chessnetwork has a Youtube on how to detect if a tactic is present, it's very instructional!!

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles: Button "No tactics"#8

I completely understand you @IGuggBlosZua so this is my recommendation to you: - create a account that nobody knows - play unrated games there (these games ARE the puzzles you want lichess t…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles: Button "No tactics"#6

All puzzles must be tactical or a clear positional advantage otherwise they will drive you crazy.....

Community Blog Discussions - Adult improvers: a brief look at mindset#2

I like the comparison you make with language. In its everyday conversational use language is very much a skill that reunites abilities that run below the conscious level. I am nearly 60 and I learnt P…

General Chess Discussion - How can i become a chess grandmaster Tips Needed#4

If you want to get good at lichess learn how to ride a horse

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish 14 has arrived!#87

'Fish is on Fire!

General Chess Discussion - Horsey Has Swag#36

@Imperitus yea and get a real set made, 3-D printed
