
Search "user:FlyAngler"

207 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - The difference between lichess players and another well-known chess platform#14

@lumenial said in #11: > I have noticed that I can reach the top 1% on quite easily-- here however, it's much more difficult. > My current Blitz rating is in the top 25%, and Rapid in top 10…

General Chess Discussion - The difference between lichess players and another well-known chess platform#13

It is well-known that ratings are generally higher on Lichess for players who use several sites. Some people offer explanations based on the formulae used because they differ. These have some credibil…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess rating -> rating -> USCF rating -> FIDE rating#10

All ratings are specific to a pool. Those based on higher levels of activity will prove more accurate. Hence, the replacement of Elo’s original formula with Mark Glickman’s modifications (“Glicko”). A…

General Chess Discussion - Bullet players is toxic#5

The point of bullet is to see how well you can play without thinking.

Lichess Feedback - Sorting Studies#1

I’ve been enjoying the Studies feature here for the past year. It is one of a few things that Lichess does better than my favorite website. But there remains a problem. Any one can create a study. I’d…

General Chess Discussion - Sorting Studies#1

I’ve been enjoying the Studies feature here for the past year. It is one of a few things that Lichess does better than my favorite website. But there remains a problem. Any one can create a study. I’d…

General Chess Discussion - Suddenly, They Have So Little To Say#32

@WO_Schrodinger said in #20: > The consensus right now is this lawsuit could charitably be described as spurious. The consensus on social media is worth less than zero.

General Chess Discussion - Hans Niemann Responds to Insinuations and Accusations#30

Magnus Carlsen often handles losses poorly. This should be the focus of discussions. Jacob Aagaard is one of the few who calls it as it is:…

General Chess Discussion - Does Playing Old Opening Ideas Work In The 21st century?#17

I played this entire game against a 1700ish USCF rated player last week.

General Chess Discussion - I'm sucking at Chess and I don't know how to Improve Properly#11

@D3LUZION said in #1: > Maybe I perceived myself to be higher in skill than I actually was. As does every chess player everywhere. Except Magnus. Magnus does not believe he is the GOAT.
