
Search "user:Clarkey"

1934 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Get Lichess 3D chessboard models for real#5 All the source files are in that repo, including STLs that can be used for 3D printing.

General Chess Discussion - Is there a way to see if any of my games have made the puzzle trainer?#19

For all practical purposes development on puzzles has ceased. We don't have any plans to expand its functionality and it is not a priority for us. I'm doubtful that donations will change that, but it …

General Chess Discussion - Is there a way to see if any of my games have made the puzzle trainer?#17

We aren't making any more puzzles at the moment, and haven't for a while. There's no point adding a notification system.

Lichess Feedback - Tournament prizes#3

If you'd like to arrange an ear-marked donation. E-mail and we'll see what we can do.

Lichess Feedback - Add endgame puzzles#4

We avoided endgame puzzles on purpose as they often need to allow for more than one solution. Proper endgame puzzles would need to allow for this, and would need to be a separate feature. I would like…

Game analysis - Why can't I insight on casual games?#3

Because casual games are deemed to be less serious. People tend not to take casual games seriously, they're more "just for fun", thus they are not used to analyse a player's strengths and weaknesses. …

Lichess Feedback - Live tournament broadcasts [BETA]#2

No doubt there's a lot of features still missing. I'm quite sure that most of your suggestions will be implemented before the feature leaves beta. We're currently focused on getting the core and under…

Lichess Feedback - Mouse Wheel Is Too Sensitive in the Analysis Mode#2

Sounds like an issue on your end. It's designed to scroll one move per scroll wheel click. Check your mouse settings.

Lichess Feedback - Very broken puzzle#3

The puzzle has been disabled. Thanks for reporting it.

Lichess Feedback - Too many people abandoning right away if they are black.#4

They'll get timed out (won't be able to join games) if they abandon too many games in a short period. Also, if they're joining "random" games, the system aims to balance they players black and white g…
