
Search "user:Carlington"

4 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - A Secret Weapon for Handling Tough Positions and Bad Moods#13

Interestingly, this is a trick I was taught in a completely different context: my therapist taught it to me as a means to combat anxiety. How amazing to see it here, and I'm glad it is working for you!

Lichess Feedback - My clock is stoping when i don´t have connection problems.#13

@lovlas It seems very strange to me that the connection on one device would break while the connection on another device does not, especially when those two devices are using the same internet connect…

Lichess Feedback - My clock is stoping when i don´t have connection problems.#9

I have been having this problem for a little while as well. No problem in the app, only on desktop, using the same internet connection over wi-fi. It has caused me to flag in more than one winning pos…

General Chess Discussion - Greco's Mate#1

I've been playing a lot of tactics on here recently, trying to recognise the patterns in them so that I can apply them to my games. I've just played a few tactics in a row that featured very similar v…
