
Search "user:AsDaGo"

1996 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - a4 Ra3 is actually good!!#9

@Davelz said in #5: > Give proper Stockfish the position after 1. a4 d5 2. Ra3 e5 3. g3 and naturally we see Bxa3 4. Nxa3 c5 with an evaluation of -2.5 for White. Exactly, the only reason level 5 didn…

General Chess Discussion - Anyone else think this about the knights?#2

But the knights are equivalent so they shouldn't be differentiated anyway. There is no distinction in FEN, so what happens when you import a position?

General Chess Discussion - Vladimir Kramnik , realism or paranoia?#20

@RealDavidNavara said in #18: > He was saying Levon Aronian. Oh yeah, I hear it now. You have to admit it does sound like "Liwonder Ayang" though. ;-)

General Chess Discussion - Favorite games list#7

@xakelarre said in #5: > What would be a script? You could write a script in Python, for example. I believe there are Python bindings for the Lichess API.

Game analysis - I resigned before move 20. I was doing just fine :(#6

At least you didn't resign with forced mate!

General Chess Discussion - Highest Average Centipawn Loss EVER#3

This isn't a very interesting problem, because it's trivial to find an absolute maximum: [Variant "From Position"] [FEN "k7/p1Q5/8/8/8/8/5q1P/7K w - - 0 1"] 1. Qd7 Qe2 2. Qc7 Qf2 Unless you mean from …

General Chess Discussion - Which chess website do you prefer?, or

@AOOP09 said in #5: > @AsDaGo #2 > There are so many ways one can violate ToS, and we do not know if the OP tried to appeal. It just sounded a bit harsh to me, that's all. I don't think there are that…

General Chess Discussion - the funniest game ever#2

Certainly one of the worst games I've ever seen, but I don't really see the humor in it.

General Chess Discussion - En passant chess variant#8

@Iaxul It's not the same thing as you're describing, but it reminds me of Kung Fu Chess, where it is possible to capture a piece before it has finished moving to its destination: https://kungfuchess.o…
