
Search "user:AnonymousMorris"

3 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - At The Top Of The Hill, Go Faster#7

When I finally pushed to 2100 after being stuck at 2000 for a long time, it really felt like just a mental thing. I didn't feel I got significantly better or anything, I just started playing more care…

Off-Topic Discussion - Why I don't like Magnus Carlsen (and other chess grandmasters), and you also should.#16

"If you were born in a very poor or totalitarian country, you would never achieve anything meaningful; period." Russia is a totalitarian country as is China so the being born in totalitarian country p…

General Chess Discussion - Rapid Rating is 1450, But Puzzles Rating is 1900. What Can Be Gleaned From That?#18

I think it might be that you get distracted during games and then you might make a move without thinking. When doing puzzles, you know that there's some tactic but not when you're playing a game and i…
