
Search "user:mkubecek"

1103 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Tournament prep#6

An important point here is that one should really rethink _every_ move, including "obvious" moves like recaptures. I've seen an extreme example yesterday: While losing …

Lichess Feedback - Blank board#3

You probably tuned blind mode on accidentally (just as many others who have asked exactly the same before you).

Lichess Feedback - Me without time, but the opponent not enough material to check mate.#30

@Pepo59 said in #28: > It is supposed that whites begin in the down side and blacks in the top. So whites go up and blacks go down. Exactly. The pawn is black so that it goes "down", i.e. in the direc…

Lichess Feedback - Me without time, but the opponent not enough material to check mate.#27

@Pepo59 said in #26: > Whites do check with the Knight and blacks eats the Knight, always in the whole life. This is getting ridiculous. The pawn is black and it is on h2 so that it can only advance o…

Lichess Feedback - Me without time, but the opponent not enough material to check mate.#25

@Pepo59 said in #24: > In this case, the king has a pawn, and with a pawn you can get a Queen. In the case that I say he hadn't nothing. Last time: show the game. Until you do, there is nothing more I…

Lichess Feedback - Me without time, but the opponent not enough material to check mate.#23

@Pepo59 said in #22: > In the second case it never can be a draw for white, with a king and knight you can't do a check mate. ...and that's where you are wrong (assuming you meant "a win"). An example…

Lichess Feedback - Me without time, but the opponent not enough material to check mate.#20

An extreme example: 4k3/8/8/8/8/8/8/4K1N1 w - - 0 1 is a draw (even without a timeout) but rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/8/4K1N1 w kq - 0 1 is a win for White if Black runs out of time.

Lichess Feedback - Me without time, but the opponent not enough material to check mate.#19

@Pepo59 said in #18: > and he/she hadn't enough material to do check mate This is exactly what leads to most of these misunderstandings. Once you start thinking about it in the terms of "sufficient ma…

General Chess Discussion - How the hell is this endgame WINNING for White????#19

I'm not sure if lichess software has this information available as the position after 53. Kxd7 (or the three replies to it) only shows as winning for White with "DTZ 3" but it does not show the DTM va…

Lichess Feedback - Me without time, but the opponent not enough material to check mate.#16

Unless you show the game or at least the final position, I'm afraid everyone's No 1 hypothesis will be that this is another case of "I misinterpreted the FIDE rule" or "I didn't realize how stupid tha…
