
A book that every serious chess player should read

i havent read many chess books and honestly got issue with reading them: if any body else got issue with it i recommand chessable: (not for they opening books) but for they puzzle/strategy and endgame books. i would recommand 100 endgame you should know and his workbook plus the woodpeaker methode as a puzzle solver book( which additionaly give you a culture on world champions games)
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@Triangel #17
"Silman is definitely overrated. His endgame book is really bad, don't buy it."
I completely disagree with this one. OK you might say his book 'Reassess Your Chess' might be a little overrated, but his endgame book is wonderful. It is the only book (along with Capablanca's book) from which I have learned endgames from.
The only drawback to this book is it does not show you how to checkmate with B+N+K vs Lone king which you can learn from Chess Fundamentals or there are several sources available online. Chess Network made a video on it I think.
@triangel i had no specific position in my mind. There was a position i saw, someone played bishop taked f3 ruining the kingside structure and nakamura sai,d it aint so bad without queens. Now obviously he knows what he is doing, but i was sure that i have read somewere that such position is not holdable in a rook endgame. I want to know if i really have read that, or if its a product of my fantasy. Yes i guess i need to be more specifics, but i thought all else being equal with more pawns for both it would be losing due to doubled pawns on f and isolated h pawn.
My System by Aron Nimzowitsch. This is probably the best chess book ever written.
Also, I recommend any (and every) of the great books by Alexey Suetin.
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