
If Donald J Trump wins

Buddism didnt exist there and then... he was the one God so... Buddism?? i think not.
there is debate whether anything so that is irrevelent...
Paul didnt create Christianity, the phrase was created by the people that saw paul and the others and labeled them "little Christs" aka Christians.
and the rest i wont even stoop to the level of talking about
OMG this thread I just gave it passover before but now I am going to start reading it from the beginning.
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I'm pro-Sanders (although, there's part of me rooting for Trump 'for the lulz'), but (if I were an American) I wouldn't vote for him – I can't stand some of his positions when it comes to liberty (where the Libertarians are the only ones we can trust), but I can't stand the Libertarians either because, for lack of better words, I'm a social democrat/social liberal when it comes to the economy/welfare state... I should become a politican myself as there's no-one who represents me... :-/
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#122 Jesus was a philosopher charged with the crime of sedition, and was felt as a threat to the government at the time. You choose to follow Jesus, because you, like him, denigrate government, and perhaps share his "Buddhist" (Or Communist, Anarchist, Democratic, belief in pity, love, generosity, sharing with the poor, the people vs the ruling class) beliefs, and that's fine. The last Christian died on the cross-- you can be a philosopher and still be a fool, but he was perhaps more wise than others at the time. The truth is that nobody really knows what truth is. I believe Jesus, assuming the historical Jesus existed, took psychedelic mushrooms. He INDUBITABLY drank wine! In vino veritas? How low can you go? ;)
I don't know what 'Black Lives Matter' are, but I wouldn't be surprise if what you said is true... we all know about Afrocentric/black separatist organisations (Nation of Islam, Black Panthers), although the Regressive Left loves them...
This however ("The truth is that our cops do a fairly good job"), I cannot agree with because...
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#127, not so sure if Jesus Himself took psychedelic mushrooms, but His followers ('Apostles') definitely did! :-D

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