
what do you think of my game?

Hello Lichess community! I want to know your analysis first instead of using the chess engine to know my mistakes or blunders, I hope to learn from your thoughts and what do you think of my gameplay :)

6...axb5 was wrong, as you gave him a chance for 7 cxd5 intending 8 Bxb5+.
Most natural development was 7...Nd7, 10...Nd7, 12...Nd7 immediately attacking central pawn e5. Why did you keep your knight ar b8?
11...Nf5 is strange: 11..Ng4 assaults pawn e5.
13...Nxf3+ is wrong. You trade your central knight that has made the 4 move journey Ng8-h6-f5-d4xf3 for a knight that has made only 1 move Ng1-f3 so you lost 3 moves (so called tempi), about the equivalent of losing 1 pawn.
14...Bxe5 is wrong as it puts your king in jeopardy. You had to castle 14...O-O to put him in safety. Now your opponent could strike with 15 Nxd5! taking advantage of the vis a vis of his Re1 and your Ke8 as your Be5 gets pinned.

More errors follow from both sides.

Leaving aside the 10+ tactical blunders (both sides, not just you)...

You first 6 moves were pawn moves...perhaps there are genuine GM games with this, but they will be one-in-a-million.

I would simply suggest you place a higher priority on piece development in the opening. It will lead to middle game positions more "normal" for your rating.

While you won on time, your very last move throws away almost all the advantage you had...
#3 Yes there are many grandmaster games with this line
In the French Defence it is not unusual for both sides to play pawn moves to fight for the centre squares.
The real problems begin later. One knight hops g8-h6-f5-d4xf3, while the other is benched on b8 and wants so badly to jump to d7.
Just castle first before you go pawn hunting.Too many sacrificial ideas on d5 and e6 after 14...Bxe5.He couldv'e killed you outright with 20.Bxe6

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