
how to view/retrieve my past games?

I'm wondering what are the steps to view my past games (or just downloading their PGNs)? Thanks.
click on your profile right above
now it shows the number of games you played right in the middle, click on it
now you see all of your games
you can click on it
you can request computer analysis
then you can do learn from your mistakes
when you have computer analysis, you can click chess insights to see trends in your games
Thanks for the quick answer. Is there a way to download the PGN of a game?
You can download the PGN of a game using this method:
1. Click on the game that you want to have the PGN downloaded
2. Click on 'Analysis Board' on the right
3. Click on 'FEN & PGN' on the bottom

You can then do anything with it, e.g. copy or download
To export your games in PGN format. Go to your profile page and:
thank you! I now know how to review and download my old games.

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