
Lichess has visually expanded into parallel board the line first opening explorer

title missing an s ..

> Lichess has visually expanded into parallel board the line first opening explorer

should be

> Lichess has visually expanded into parallel boards, the line-move-first opening explorer
so went through most popular in master DB line from there. and up to the point when (chess time) the KB is moved:
What I saw at a glance/picture/static as only commonality, is half-wedge = pawn chain.
> d4 e3 f2

also, to memo it here, and as self learning data point journalling (I do that, yes, how weird).

> peripheral black knight moves also glimpsed while move chessing through that line.

(highlights of that quick pass). enough for now. back to game where that is not possible anymore, per my previous BAD.
so. now with names I might associated to some board snapshots, I got COLLE, LONDON, and this one.

3 data points (the latest no familarity yet with plans, actually, london either, and COLLE only the old first explored line dependent know to have worded plans, but with the 2, I do have my own onboard chess logic memory of issues I can see, and guess about, or keep experimenting in own games about, for its possible convergent pressures resulting from committed placements plans.

i guess a plan might be about the desired static features, can't it.. not just about method to get to terminal desired static features. or surrogate intermediate shorter term (chess time) material visible imbalance, or the harded to communicate across expertise levels, non-material features. no I mean those can be part of plan desirable things.

and the segment method problems induced by their testing as hypothesis of valuable desirable (hypothetic value in being a signal of winning odds improvement for the planning at imagination stage).
what makes a name appendix to be "system".. what would those 3, in some perception of future me, have in common that would make them system?

it can just be coincidence of high level swarming novelty with recent case of London system revival as one of those.

what happens to a system as such, when leaks in it as move chess singleton findings make them sensitive to such single move difference? well.. does it have to be that it is not about ordering of the system intending side moves, but the placement (including piece choice) of the response. both side ordering robustness, one side ordering robustness, what is non negociable property to keep the name system. Can I even ask that a qualifier like that be having something of a meaning like that. or is it just something that had fleeting meaning once, and now has settle down as another non-content related classifying but not informative address lable.

so I would go back to PS as my working hypothesis for most efficient transversal pursuit (hypothesis of learning).

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