
Monopoly over Candidates 2016 broadcast - including pgns

Did you people know about this?

I thought it was unusually difficult to find day-to-day results, that explains it...

Kramnik joins the battle too (to be known that is property of Agon, as stated in the Guardian article):

The first two comments in the second article seem sensible to me, especially points 1), 2) and 3) in the second comment.

I too get the thing about "TV" rights, but it's really one of the beauties of chess to have so many people discuss and share their views on the games live or shortly thereafter.
Something I'm not sure about, based on this: are youtubers doing something illegal? (at first glance, the answer does seem to be "yes").
And is this going to be the norm? Which would be a bit of a shame, although I do recognise organisers need to have a source of income out of this.

So, where have you have been these past two weeks?! It is hard to find a chess related place on the internet where this is not debated.
Oops. Not here apparently... That's how loyal I am to lichess. :-P
Would consider it illoyal to look up r/chess on reddit? ;) There has been a number of threads with plenty of debate, the majority of it polemic, but some of it quite deep, and many useful links.
Right-o, cheers.

I am not going to get any deeper into this and these two articles, comments included, sum up about all there is to say. Still hopefully an interesting read for those who didn't know about it.

Oh and I had no idea how reddit worked (not that I ever tried to find out); thanks.
Hey Agon puts down the money for the even. They pay the venue, they pay the staff, the players they pay for everything. It is natural that they want to make some money on their investment.

If you allow moves to be broadcasted on any site then how are they going to make a profit?

As you said TV rights are big deal like in every sport, like in association football or basketball. The value of chess is 90% in the live feed of moves. While in any other sport the live feed of scores and text commentary might be only like 5% of the game enjoyment value.

Want to broadcast the games on your site? Pay the organizer broadcasting rights fee. Because otherwise it is not fair that these chess sites can profit on the work of others.
They make a profit by selling advertising, like anyone else. If they can't make a profit they have to cut their costs. No one is entitled to profits. You can't copyright or trademark chess moves. You certainly can't sue people for showing the moves anymore than you could sue a news site for showing the news. They will lose this case in court if anyone takes it that far. Hopefully someone does.
I would agree 100% @likeawizard if

- agon wasnt the puppy of a corrupt federation
- the quality of the broadcast and website were at least close to what we are used to from wijk, st louis, chess24...

You cannot exclude everyone else and then shortly after the event begins your website goes down. And furthermore, you must not invent some mysterious hacker attack as the reason for your technical problems.

As much as i would like to see chess being professionally organized i do not want to see it in the hands of Iljumshinov and his shady comrades. So i am very much torn about this.

Not a cool move.........

Pushing amateurs and the Chess community away by denying them the game scores is not in the spirit of it all. I get they want to protect the broadcast and the commentary stuff rights but the game scores should be shared with everyone.

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