
Fast games are counterproductive for low-rated players

Oh, I'm sure the speed freaks will flame me with some righteous philosophy of some sort. The object at this stage is to learn the game, not to waste time boosting a 1500 player's ELO for their quick
fix, getting into bad habits, and being in a constant state of disappointment. Confidence is needed and this isn't the way to gain it. Instincts are learnt by knowing the feeling the game..
You can't learn it or feel it if you're playing faster than you can think. YOu can't learn to fly by starting off in a jet aircraft. You merely crash for the sake of...what exactly?
It’s a pity that that much of the ‘chess’ on the internet seems devoted to entertainment rather than improvement...[and I] will reluctantly recommend [xxxchesswebsitexxx] for the quicker stuff.
Reluctantly? Yes, because most people there will only want to play blitz which can actually be counterproductive as far as chess improvement is concerned.
---GM Nigel Davies

I recommend to anyone trying to improve their game, especially a low-rated or new player, to avoid speed chess, and clocks altogether for that matter. There's no rush. The clock is always there
waiting when you are ready.
The reason why people play fast games like 2/0 is that it avoids cheating.

Unfortunately, there are too many time wasters that play all the time or occasionally with computer assistance. In fast games like 2/0 you wouldn't be able to cheat.

Another reason of playing blitz or superblitz games is type of mind. Some people like me are fast thinkers. I enjoy playing 2/0 games with mb or controlaltdelete and those players are very strong even
at 2/0.

You can choose to play 30/30 or unlimited if you want and I am sure you will find a suitable opponent for your type of game.
I have tried to play 2/0 but I simply didn´t manage to use the quick strategy. I admire chess players who can play chess so quickly ... women don´t seem to think so quickly :-)
Part of it is lolshto says, to avoid cheating. Part of it is because at this point I'm not playing for deep calculation. I'm playing for fun/to relax.

As for improvement, with quick games one can test many different lines over a shorter period of time. If you're looking to improve your otherwise strategic play, you'd do better to read a good book
or study/watch some GM games imo.

As for the quick games and ELO, it goes both ways. With 1/0, 2/0, you can gain points quickly and also lose them quickly.

And finally, if you only want to play long games, nobody is forcing you to do otherwise and vice versa. Freedom, to each his own.

Elizabeth, the spirit of quick chess is somewhat in the thrill of the hunt - the resident urgency of now (r.u.n.); you're chasing or being chased.

Women, if I may, were/are gatherers, yes? Plants don't run.

Or, bees and flowers.
The best way to protect against cheaters - hide ELO!
Not really a good idea...I don't want to play beginners, and lots of players don't want to play someone too strong...
Just made the foolish move of falling for the tempation of a rated 3 min game with a 1600 player. I don't need to tell you what happened. I've got to stop doing that. It's a total and complete waste
and accomplishes nothing but destruction of what little confidence I've got and the addition of 2 more points on their ELO.
Don't accept the games if you can't think fast.
You have only yourself to blame.
Yes I admitted as such. But thank you for chastising me again. LOL Feel better?

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