
Grandmasters are overrated

starting late is advantageous to the player, as his first 5 or 6 games will not be against strong competition.

Probably in the earliest games people should be set against others of similar rating, and then only after a few games should the system switch to pairing people with others who are similarly ranked.

this would stop people from "outsmarting" the system.

as it is, the people who start on time are PENALIZED by having to play tough competition from the very beginning, while the late-comers breeze through the early stages and get a quick 20 or more points.
This a clickbait title. This IM has been GM level strength for a couple years now and is probably the strongest IM in the world. But he is not IM strength
Did someone say Rosen is GM strength because he beats Fidel Corrales? You do realize Rosen is like 2340 right? He's nowhere near GM level
I would be kind of offended by the title were I a GM. I understand that it's meant to be tongue in cheek, but it comes off as marginalizing the work done by GMs to earn their titles.

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