
Are you vegan/vegetarian?

@e_x said in #1:
> I would like to become at least a vegetarian, just because it is more healthy in general. Vegan..that is a lil bit to much for me.
> How but u people?

I practic veganism on Wednesdays & Fridays, and also for certain periods prior to holy days in Christianity - this is part of the Eastern Orthodox heritage.

I was surprised by how easy and sustainable it can be to be vegetarian/vegan, and I have also found that factory farming is abhorrent...

So, I try to carefully maintain these fasts, and also to encourage myself to skip meat whenever possible as a protest against factory farming and carnivore culture.

Cheers to all the vegans/vegetarians/reducitarians. You are doing the right thing.
As "The Smiths" sang: "Meat is Murder". I guess that makes me a serial killer.
factory farming, and the destruction of the oceans is terrible - I like occasional fish or some high quality meat but I really do my best to not hypocritically support such a massive tax on our planets resources and one of the most egregious moral crimes of humanity.
I don't plan to be a vegan until impossible meat really becomes delicious.
I really, really, really want a replicator like in Star Trek. I think the Star Trek folk are criminally unimaginative with their orders. I would sit by that machine all day trying to push its limits.

It's probably at least a thousand years away, because you need to synthesize all kinds of proteins ad hoc. But then all our meat problems would be solved. I think I would still prefer to replicate the ingredients and cook them myself.

edit: I've not answered your question. No I'm not vegan, not vegetarian, I also wear leather shoes and belts, sleep under down, have down in my jackets, and so on, but I find myself eating more and more plant based meals and most people I meet say the same, you don't need to adopt an "-ism", you can do gradual change. I have been watching a lot of "vegan movies" lately. I really liked Okja, the Korean movie about GMO superpigs. We should probably make a thread about the hundreds of vegan movies that have been appearing.
@e_x said in #1:
> I would like to become at least a vegetarian, just because it is more healthy in general. Vegan..that is a lil bit to much for me.
> How but u people?

Neither are healthy, humans have been eating animals for millennia, we need to consume them.

Vegans take this to the extreme, and they show you what you become, weak, frail, sickly, and they all look 20 years older.
@cfewriter said in #24:
> I don't plan to be a vegan until impossible meat really becomes delicious.

And when is that, you think? Ten years? A hundred?
@Skeiter said in #11:
> Meat is something that cannot be removed from life. We are born omnivores and meat in the diet is necessary, especially for men. How many times have I seen vegetarian families with children who were skinny and 5'10" at 18 years old. If you are against my statement, you can not eat it, I do not argue, only I get more of it)

Tell that to Patrik Baboumian.

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