
My 19 hour blitz marathon video ...

Avg eval diff : 0.15
With an engine it's less than 0.15
Actually some 20 players were marked as engines, a good 5 of them by humans. Another player in the top 10, cte, was also marked as an engine. Strong player but started cheating about halfway through. So it wasn't just the two that you mentioned. But they are kicked automatically so it's not easy to notice.

Anyway, the top 10 were under constant scrutiny and the mods were fairly satisfied with the results and standing.
Back on topic, I think this probably broke a guiness world record or something for a 'continuous game stream by an individual'... or something like that. :) So I like to think, at least.
Guilty until proven innocent. If these players are indeed such intellectual savants, it shouldn't be hard for them to prove it using a webcam like GM chessbrahs.
im often accused of being an engine just because i play very tactially
groundless my games riddled with mistakes like most games. I dont know about dutzpatzer but his moves dident seem super human strong too me

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