
Priorities in the opening

In some cases though you do not want to castle. Keeping the king in the centre is better. Only castle if it makes your king safer or does something else favourable to the position. Remember people play the position not the rule...
A veces no, en algunas aperturas como la italiana polacio, la prioridad es una ventaja posicional, asi que para mi las prioridades dependen de las aperturas, pero en general las que mencionaste para la mayoria de las aperturas.
Ayer un chabon me gano en una apertura complicada aunque yo haya seguido las indicaciones.
One thing not mentioned here, is that castling brings your rooks together.Two rooks working together is something to strive for, as when they pair up and seize a file or a rank they are very powerful. :]
@Zugzwang69 I mentioned "or does something else favourable to the position" meaning connect the rooks, check opponents king where he/she has to move it and so on.

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