
I give free classes of chess to lower rated players.

I myself am not very good like 1650
so I do this only for begginers, I mean more beginners than
myself, something like until 1250 or so.
I do this just for the love of the game
I think I will learn more and take it more seriously by teaching.
Obviously the classes are free.
I have not thought about any schedule
This is meant to be casual
We might play some games
or analyze some games that the pupil plays
yes that is better option,
or maybe I can set up here in lichess some initial position
and We discuss it
I know there is plenty material around free and that one
can just learn with a computer or an engine
but if anyone wants just to try this, tell me and We will see how it goes
I think it is a good idea, i have found that teaching is a very good way of getting better at something. You get more perspective and whatnot :), good luck!
I hope people will take you up on your offer, it's great to share knowledge.
Hello, I'm learning new openings for black, can play a slow game while analyzing the movements
hello azuaga would love to play with u,
dont have much to teach u though u are on my level.
I think I already have many players who have written me privately, so I do not think I can focus on more people now.
Yes I actually have 3 at least, I have to admit I am kind of overloaded anyway if anyone wants just to play a game or throw a question or message is welcome but I do not think I will take more pupils, at least now.
See you,
i just started this website, and i need to learn chess strategies, so can you help me out!

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