
What are the Best Chess Openings?

@rimac_c2 said in #9:
> Why do you think that no one has understood that you repost your old blogs

Oh but I think they know some people realise that.
It's just that they don't care. They are just fishing for exposure, because chessmood has to make profit.
They just hope that the people who see through it and might say sth about it have less of an inpact on their compagny than the people who fall for it and spend money on chessmood.
Is it wrong to disguise advertisment as low effort chess tips?
Is it wrong to base one's PR on cheap emotional triggers, and marketing strategies on manipulation and cognitive biais?
I definitely think so. But that's just my opinion.

And frankly, I don't like putting the blame on the targets of such practises, but this is so blatantly obvious that anyone falling for it is partially responsible.
To anyone wanting to learn/improve their chess, it might be worth consedering learning from someone that doesn't insult your intelligence with their PR methods.

Just my 2 cents. Which is more than what chessmood should get from you.
Openings are fantastic ways to develop positional and tactical knowledge in the middle game. From the time I was 4 to where I am now, I always played 1.e4. Just recently I have begun studying 1.d4 and attempting to broaden my understanding of the game. As someone with high aspirations in chess, probably the best advice to give is to not limit your chess horizons and try to learn as much as you can while still enjoying the journey.
@rykmo said in #22:
> Openings are fantastic ways to develop positional and tactical knowledge in the middle game. From the time I was 4 to where I am now, I always played 1.e4. Just recently I have begun studying 1.d4 and attempting to broaden my understanding of the game. As someone with high aspirations in chess, probably the best advice to give is to not limit your chess horizons and try to learn as much as you can while still enjoying the journey.

I think the same. Enjoy the game and don't be narrow minded. Sometimes I fall for this trap. (Caro Kann is a terrible opening btw. :D )