
Worst game of Chess ever played!

I made an engine play the worst possible move for both sides.

Some very deep ideas in this game, you'll see by yourself.
As I play through the game, the evaluation bar is having an epileptic seizure.
Interesting that g4 is considered the worst possible opening. Can someone explain why?
g4 being considered the worst opening is probably a consequence of that it doesn't control the center, it makes castling short much less safe, it can be attacked while developing (1 ... d5) , and it might cause headaches with moves like Qh4 or h5 later on.
seems like an avarage game of Hikaru Nakamura..
ahahah XDD he is playing really solid this year doesn't seem him playing possibly cheating xD (probably not ) lets hope next year he beat magnus at least once or magnus let him win poor hikaru :D (poor but he wins a lot more money in 1 year than i win in 10 years :C) .

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