
What movie have you seen the most times?

Starship Troopers. Over 100.
Robocop. 70+
T2. About 50. Along with Nightmare before Christmas.
Evil dead 2 and 3. Around 30 times.
Pulp fiction. over 20.
Alien 2, and predator 1 are about tied in 20. Prey is catching up.
The legend of the Drunken Master (94), armor of god, rumble in the bronx, rush hour and a couple more of Jackie Chan are also roughly at 20. There are many I have watched 20-30 times. The list is just too big.

I kinda prefer to rewatch an oldie but goodie than a new one.
@hisokaxhunter said in #37:
> Steven seagal movie and Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise is one of my favorite actors.
Probably explains why I watch Mission Impossible all the time.
Probably Blade Runner ... even went to see the Director's Cut with my parents ...

I still remember the dead silence in the car as we drove home from the show ...
I’ve heard Terminator 1 and 2 are very good action movies
@AaronBBAC said in #56:
> I’ve heard Terminator 1 and 2 are very good action movies
I've heard the same, too, and to note, I don't watch movies
I watch movies occasionally. I don’t like romance or horror movies though.
Horror movies are too scary and romance movies are ....... awkward.

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