
Personality Types.

I doubt the validity of this, but…
Your personality type is: Architect.

Mind: Introverted (93%);
Energy: Intuitive (77%);
Nature: Thinking (65%);
Tactics: Judging (51%);
Identity: Turbulent (60%).
Well, I got mediator, to make sure i tried again and then got campaigner. Anyway what is yours SidharthS?

Individual traits:
Extraverted – 53%
Intuitive – 62%
Thinking – 68%
Prospecting – 53%
Turbulent – 84%

Role: Analyst

Strategy: Social Engagement
ENFP according to the meyers-briggs. haha but i'm utterly terrible at chess so maybe this is an instance of a personality that is not good for chess...

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