
If Donald J Trump wins

Note to #143: Yes I know it was a while back. I'm illustrating a pattern going way back.
Latest polls I found:

Trump 42% Clinton 44% With Clinton sliding. OR if Sanders,

Trump 37% Sanders 48 Not sure if either is gaining.
In regard to illegals: I worked in the Medicaid office for a time and this is what happens (I've never seen this in the media):

An illegal immigrant enters the hospital about to give birth. She has no money or insurance. She cannot be turned away and does not have to provide citizenship info, or speak english. The child becomes an American citizen, and is eligible to have all medical expenses paid. The mother can receive food stamps for the child only- or any children born within U.S. borders. The mother often reports her income, and/or the income of the illegal father, which is counted against the food stamps received for the child. If there is no income the parent receives about $200 per month in food stamps, and any medical expenses needed. The worker, in some-probably most- states cannot report the parents (or is too overworked to have any interest in doing so).
Years later, the parents are bitter because they may be deported and separated from these American children.

In my opinion, the parent or parents are not actually "under the jurisdiction" of U.S. government, as required by the constitution for citizenship, because they are in fact living underground, and the child(ren) are NOT citizens. Only Trump has talked along these lines.
Colonel_Krunch, obviously you are entitled to your opinion, just like you are entitled to appear to be a inhumane human being.
You are also entitled to be wrong.
You contradict your self:
First you say: "(I've never seen this in the media)"
Then you finish saying: "Only Trump has talked along these lines."

If Trump has said it, it´s been on the media.

Living underground does not make you illegal.

You might be a US citizen, but you ignore your own constitution.

Non-U.S. citizens may be protected under the Constitution under certain amendments. But the issue is not simple enough to be answered by a "yes" or "no." The decision is often made on a case-by-case basis by the Supreme Court, as interpreters of the Constitution.

Perhaps you should go investigate and study before giving dumb opinions...
well seeing as you said anywhere I shall do a Self-Poll...
The results.

Trump 98. and gaining. Clinton 0. sliding badly still. Sanders 2. and decreasing slowly.

Would ya look at that...
Trump went bankrupt 4 times.

Lets give him America, Eh?

I'm just happy I'm safe in North Korea
antiquark101: Safety and North Korea are two words that just don t match.

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