
Etiquette about accepting a draw

During a game, a was running down on time and my opponent offered me additional time, without my request (I never ask for time or give back moves)

A few moves later he made a blunder and I had a mate in 1. At this moment, he offered me a draw but I declined it.

My interpretetion was that if you give time without my request, you like the position but you also accept that you can lose

What's the standard etiquette in this kind of situation? I did the right thing or I was wrong?
This probably isn't right, but I only accept draws if its casual or if helps my rating. Other than that, I decline.
@TheIceManV if we played a game and I was lower rated than you by lets say 50 pts and I was up a queen and offered a draw where I could easily win on time or by mating you, you still would not take the draw?
No, @noob2chess.

Judging by your rating, which is low by the way, it occurs to me that you have never been in the correct mindset. Chess is very serious. I could give you an entire lesson on chess history, but I don't know if your mental capabilities are upto par.

Instead, I'll make it simple: chess is a win-or-lose scenario. There is no middle ground. There should not be a middle ground. This precludes the objective of chess: complete dominance.

Once you grandmaster this, you'll be at an elite level.

Best Regards,
Judging by your rating, which is even lower than noob2chess
I'd say that you have absolutely no grounds to talk like that to him.
Even if you were a freakin 3000 and he was a 700 you don't talk to someone like that. I would give you a lesson on how to be a decent human but I don't think your mental capabilities are up to par.

So i'll make it really simple, stop being a condensending jerk.

Once you master this you might make a friend (can't promise that)

Best Regards,
Micaiah Wagner
In general maybe you could allow him to take back the blunder, because he gave you some extra time. But I understand the problem, you didn't ask for the extra time, so you are in no way obliged to give back the favor. To be honest, for me this is a very big problem. I don't want to be given extra time, but as far as I see, I cannot avoid it. I always resign when someone gives me + 15 sec. I don't want it. My win doesn't feel correct this way. There really should be a button to disable it. I resigned so many games that I really liked to play to the end. It's an offense to give extra time, it's like cheating to manipulate the clock. What is this button for? Why not play on the terms both players agreed to? Please Lichess make it an option to disable this feature!
@SocietyBU 1430 rating :D Lol. Slightly higher rated myself. But... Lets not get carried away. I dont care about the disrespect though if it was anyone but me you might be in for a reporting to the mods. Im nice and dont care so that will not happen today.

As for the draw offerings... I think it is okay for the lower rated player to offer a draw ether in a drawn / equal endgame OR if he/she is up material and equal position otherwise.

Now it is not nice for the lower rated player to offer a draw in a losing/slightly worse position period. If the higher rated player wants to offer a draw in a slightly worse position I do not see the issue.

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