
Why do higherish ranked people play one minute games?

They rarely end in any way other than time out, and aren't a very good indication of skill...
It prevents 99 percent of cheaters. On free websites engine user percentage goes way up especially towards the higher rated people. Thats why a good number of people here have had their ratings
reset to 1200 from 1800/1900s.

There are plenty of websites where you can play correspondence chess. You can take 10 days for 1 move.

And some like me have stopped playing chess seriously anyways. I prefer fun and fast.
Well I also prefer fast chess, like 3-5 minute games, but 1 minute is a little too much for me
I don't really agree with you...playing bullet games need other skills than long games, you don't have to calculate far, but you have to be able to establish plans and evaluate positions very fast.
It's a bit different, but every experienced player has to know how to play fast (especially to play better during zeitnot ).
However, it's not so good to play only like this, personnally, I play bullet on the net and longer games with "real" people
I guess I play it for the excitement, and it truly involves skill, mouse skill ;). At other sites I actually play blitz as well (10+0, 5+3, 2+5 and 5+0).

On a more serious note, I don't believe that a majority of 'well-skilled' players prefer fast games, some do, some don't, just like some poorly skilled players will prefer fast games and some poorly
skilled players will prefer slow games.

Nevertheless, ratings at lichess (and other sites) are very indicative for game setting preference. That means: 'higher ranked' players will more likely play fast games. Simply because fast games
allow you to rapidly increase (the other way around can happen as well of course) your rating.
rather, I'll stay anon for now

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