
Lichess Game of the Month June - Contest

This game is a bullet game but, the gameplay is beautiful as i found a beautiful tactic to sacrifice the queen and checkmate with 2 pawns.

I had only 1 mistake with 0 blunders and 0 inaccuracies.

Please take a look at this game.
@sgtlaugh said in #36:
> Wow, what a game. I am voting for this one. Easily the best game for me here on this thread. Nice one @grendizer!

Opponent does not know what en passant is though...
Yes, this game was imported from (pretty blunderful eh?), but after move 68, I was threatening mate-in-1, even with a queen sacrifice after h3.

(Quick note, I was playing as black in this position)
I am still not sure. This one is probably better.

The bishop pairs from both sides had serious threats. This game could have gone either way, because my opponent is a CM. During the game I tried to be as accurate as possible. As you can see, although unexpectedly, I also got 97% accuracy.

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