
Getting better

Does anyone have tips to get better, I’ve already got tactics puzzles and slower time controls, but what else?
You nailed it. Tactics puzzles every day, even if it's only 15 minutes. Slow time controls (and very importantly, actually use your time). Analyze your slow games without a computer and try to find errors (and prove to yourself that they are errors). Don't make it complicated; do these three things, put effort into them, do them often, and be patient. Nobody can give you a trick for gaining hundreds of ELO overnight, but with persistence you will gradually improve.
@SethRayCarlsen Then carry on like TheCheesemate said... I found watching youtube videos on basic openings etc helped. But play more games here on Lichess and then you can show your games to people for tips. Also analysing your games in general is always a good one.
Getting Better, brought to you by The Beatles:

I believe, that you have to play and learn - so you learn through reading chess books (like My System by Nimzowitch, my 60 memorable games by Fischer and many other books, especially on "basic" endgames or middlegames or even openings), analyzing Games by good players (for instance, you could analyze many games by World Chess Champions like Kasparov or current top players) and of course your own Games. Maybe you get a free course on an Opening or visualize the board. Also, as mentioned, Videos are very helpful too.
And then you have to play Games too: Slow Games are always good, because you get time to think and show your best, while Rapid and Blitz will teach you to play faster, which is especially useful in time-trouble. And Bullet may even teach you to develop some sort of "instinct", but that isn't the main goal (slower time controls are way more important, because these are the "over the board" rated games, that define your rating).
You should also have fun playing, so that working on your game becomes fun too. You really shouldn't care much about the ELO or Glicko-2 you gain, all that matters is, that you have fun and have a good performance. Also, playing Chess960 is a good way to improve you creative-chess.

But only you can get better, and only you can define, if you are getting better!
I hope that this was useful.
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