
What do you know about 2pac?

I just want to see what people know about 2pac. Don't google anything just write what you know about him.
How was he before death? What his music was about?
The leading motives in his lyrics were about gender equality, preservation of nature and approaching life with a positive attitude ... but it has been a while since I listened to some 2pac.
#6 k. I just wanted to know what people heard about him, but people that haven't listened to him. Because people hear only bad things about him.
#7 Exacly what?
I don't remember exactly what, I watched that episode long ago...
I actually have listened to some of his songs long, long ago (I don't remember 'em either), but I do remember I didn't feel anything bad towards him (his music, so to speak), I felt indifferent.
#9 Good. I made this post because I remember someone saying something like "2pac makes bad influence, you shouldn't listen to him". That was like wow.

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