
Chess is NOT fair

Today I logged onto lichess. I regularly participate in bullet 1+0 arena tournaments, because they are fast paced without being fully mindless (I think,) and when I get into a game what do I see? My opponent is better than me?! Chess should be equal for all players. If you don't have the mental capacity to become a GM, you should at LEAST be allowed to use an engine. Am I just supposed to accept that there are people smarter than me in the world that care about chess more than me?

Truly, this is a whacked-up world we live in today. A world where not everyone is able to play at the same skill level as their opponent. No, I'm afraid I might quit chess if they don't do something about this! Just ONE suggestion is they can just GIVE me elo! If they don't want to do that, they can just flat out give me the GM title. I earned it through countless minutes of bullet chess. Fix your website, Lichess.
Since not but ONE moderator has even THOUGHT of taking the time to read my post, I once again will say that I NEED this in order to stay on Lichess. At least give me a PM (Participation Master) title! I refuse to play this game without a title, and I know that the loss of a single player will hurt both you and the algorithms of your website too. You have been warned.
It's not fair because it's a sport. The motto of sport is : you win or you lose because you knew how to be better at a given moment. fair play is : don't use a motor and to respect your opponents even if they do not respect you
@CSKA_Moscou said in #3:
> It's not fair because it's a sport. The motto of sport is : you win or you lose because you knew how to be better at a given moment. fair play is : don't use a motor and to respect your opponents even if they do not respect you
"We hold these truths that *ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL.*" The rating system goes against my entire country and their beliefs. I'm aware its not fair, and that's my problem. The stress and sadness of loss can be unbearable for some. In the future, I think all games should result in a draw and a pat on the back, because MY MOMMY SAID I WAS SPECIAL.

Possible solution for more equity: if a stalemate is a draw, maybe a checkmate should also be a draw. No more unfair loss of rating points against stronger opponents.
Well, I do agree playing against players rated higher is difficult and sometimes can be a bit bruising to the pride, but in my opinion playing more experienced players is actually a good thing. Just from playing against higher players I found that even if they are better, you still can beat them if they make a blunder or u have a better position. Like sport, chess is not only skill and smarts, but perseverance and chance. Also I enjoy games because they are difficult and challenging, if they were easy I would have no interest and if there was no win or lose you wouldn't have the satisfaction nor fire inside u to win next time. Although, this is only my opinion, it's ok to think otherwise, but good sportsman ship and optimism is a good trait to have in store :D

it may sound cheesy but this is my opinion
@CSKA_Moscou said in #3:
> It's not fair because it's a sport. The motto of sport is : you win or you lose because you knew how to be better at a given moment. fair play is : don't use a motor and to respect your opponents even if they do not respect you
I can agree that chess is a sport.
@Frogster64 said in #6:
> Possible solution for more equity: if a stalemate is a draw, maybe a checkmate should also be a draw. No more unfair loss of rating points against stronger opponents.
Of course. If someone is better than me then I obviously shouldn't be the one to take the blame for it. Even if I find a player with the exact same rating as me, you can't possibly expect me to just accept my blunder as a sign of my skill, It's not fair! I just had a bad day.

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