
I need help! Why is this move better

Bc2 plans to create a battery with Qd3 to threaten mate on h7. Qc2 also builds a battery, but Bh7+ does nothing.
Still, it seems a moot point (if you have to give up the exchange to do it).
Is it not because of Qc2 that you lost your d-pawn?
Maybe cause they thought you were building up a mate? and they were giving space?
(I don't know)
seem to be placement ordering of the battery plan. the queen as tip of the battery will cover the mated king field (google that, you might be in for a treat, of visual chess) better than the bishop tip, which would only provide a check, but leave a fleeing square to the king.

can bishop do the surface area threat that my red arrows suggest (wishful, plan level ones, so is the green arrow).


And yes, tactically, the d-pawn would have been guarded. 2 reasons. who say better. nice question, allowing talking human chess.
@MrPushwood said in #3:
> Still, it seems a moot point (if you have to give up the exchange to do it).

what does give up the exchange mean? here. (:). pawns, bishop for knight, or B/N for rook. I keep forgetting (if I ever knew).
Not enough compensation' as you sacked two pawns already' by going Nh2 anyway aster Qc2 ? unlikely there's enough here especially since you are rated 910 points less as well . Sacrifice your oponents men' said S Tartakower ... You need Judgement skills Max Euwe had a book called Judgement & Planning In Chess & Rudolf Speilman The Art Of Sacrifice In Chess ... oldie free chess books that you don't need to read fully through' just get ideas from @filthiesteote Start with Logical Chess Move by Move by I Chernev if you want to read a full first chess book
Qc2 looks like those "development" moves, that actually develop nothing at all. It is useless behind the bishop to attack the king, it drops the support for the d4 pawn, and it may stand exposed on the c-file thatBlack can open up.

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