
My TOP 5 Cutest Cat type of ALL Time

Off topic
This are purely my opinion of what i think is the CUTEST CATTO OF ALL TIME


Don't We love adorable fluffy creature? DONT WE ALL??
(P.S i cant upload cat picture :((( help teach me how)
-pants- pardon my aggresiveness
Here are my opinion are the FIVE cutest cat of all time

5) Scottish Fold
On God. Scottish fold is one of the most adorable cat out there. The defining characteristic of Scottish fold cats is their small, folded ears, which give them a somewhat owl-like appearance. BUT DANG Their ears are sooooo cute. The cute folding ear gives blissful sensation when you pat them and it make them a good patting buddy. These babies have very friendly, sweet personalities and and they are outgoing and affectionate with their families, including children and other household pets

4) An Oyen/Orange Cat
Orange Cat if you ever see one is one of the most fiesty one minded cutie you will ever see. Its meme name , Oyen which means Orange in Malay are usually the type of cat that filled up meme video compilation due to their humorous demeanour and playful behaviour. Surprisingly they also extremely affectionate and clingy to their owner and i seen oyen cat defended their owner from snake attack before in youtube. If you like CUTE , FIESTY and PLAYFUL catto, oyen is for you

3) Georgie Type.
Georgie types are cat that usually mix with home country breed that has cute Long ears, crooked tail and beautiful fur along with spotted nose. Georgie type are...i warned you.. THE GOOFIEST CUTEST CAT EVER!~ they have their own slang of saying I love you by making bread (or some call it kneading) either on your lap or your bed. AND THEY KNEAD FOR FREEE MEOW. Great cat, even if playful by nature they are also chill at times and are a must have when you sleepeu or have nightmare
(RIP Georgie, love you, fly high my beautiful cat warrior)

2) Selkirk Rex
I finally found the breed name (LOL) i almost call it Yuki type since i have this cat breed with the name Yuki (She is 7 years old cat and ish very cute and sleepy all the time) The Selkirk Rex rather resembles a stuffed animal, thanks to its rounded face and curly, tussled coat. This cute breed is easy-going and affectionate, generally getting along very well with children, other cats, and cat-friendly dogs. The curly coat does require regular combing to prevent tangles and mats. OH this cat are very choosey with food but very EMOTIONAL dependant on you which surprisingly makes it one of the most understanding cat. I swear, i can just talk to this cat and she understand everything and what to do in certain situation whether hugging while you sad or brightening your day even more with playful tease when you happy

1) Tuxedo Coloured Cat
DRUM ROLLLL AND FINALLYYYY based on my lots of cat breed experience the Tuxedo cat are the cutest of them all, Cute handsome elegant black and white colour, stocking feet and assorted toebeans, Playful, adventurous and extremely pamperous , they never had a dull moment like ever. I have a Tuxedo cat named Monika Kuro Lemau and she is the CUTEST. she is all above and more and she always follow you around whether you gardening, doing chores or playing chess.

Final Say

as final say i wanna say all cat ARE CUTE. this simply my opinion on whats the cutest based on my experience. Thank you so much for reading this <3 might post more so do followww i will post either Chess or stuff like this XD

See you~! and have a great day/week/month!!