
Can someone give me pointers?

I decided I should practice making better decisions, but quicker than I have been making them.
As a result, I played a game of bullet with level 2 A.I. and I lost horribly, any idea how I could have prevented this?
I'm pretty much a n00b, I've spent some time practicing, but I still don't notice every mistake (now this text box is useful).
in third move you shouldn't go away with queen but take on e5 with check and after that eat opponent's rook.
2...Nc6. Develop piece, protect pawn. Followed by Nf6. Develop piece, attack Queen. Addon: do not move pieces a second time (5...Ne4?) before you have developed all your other pieces.
What do you mean by develop? Do you mean freeing my pieces up?
I felt like the A.I. blundered a lot, because I can't remember ever doing so well against a level 4 A.I.
To castle? Or a two rook check mate? Both? Also thanks, Linnemann and risky-chess, for your helpful advice

Also, could you analyze the other game I put up? You don't have to, but if you do, could you tell me what I could have done better, and/or what you would have done?

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